Yes, You Should Delight in the Mountaintop

Angie Smartt
2 min readJun 7, 2022

A poem about the journey with a reminder to enjoy the destination 💛

Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash

When you begin
you think
it is just a trail
you have no idea
how long
or how high
The lure is intoxicating
and your legs
are fresh

The ascent
is gradual at first
(that’s how they get you)
The switchbacks
are charming
with benches
and vistas
Every turn
replete with something new
to see, to smell, to touch

You eat and drink
your provisions
thinking you will always
have plenty
You take off a layer
admiring your sweat
Your head drunk
on this new adventure

This path is worn
by so many gone before
so when you begin
to fatigue
you spur yourself on
When your feet begin
to ache
you make your…

